От=KAG=BersrkОтветить на сообщение
Дата30.12.2009 00:08:15Найти в дереве
Рубрики1936-1945 гг.;Версия для печати

Вопрос товарищей из Словакии-авиаархеология

Приветствую товарищи.

>Dear Evgeny!
We recovered one month ago hungarian Bf 109 with remains of hdgy. Gyorgy Horvath, which was killed by russian fighters near Esztergom. I have some russian claims. We have info from more eyewitness about loss of Horvath. So they told about one inetesting fact! Russian plane, which shot down Horvaths Bf 109 crashed in that battle too - 8 km from Horvath's crash site. Please, can you help us to find losses or some another details about two russian regiments battled over that area that day (19th February 1945)???
Many thanks Evgeny!
Sincerly yours Milan Bencek/Slovakia

Есть ли у кого что ответить товарищам? :)

С уважением, Евгений.