| От | Никита |  |
К | Никита |  |
Дата | 20.10.2003 13:48:33 |  |
Рубрики | Байки; |  |
Вот описание проигранной викингами их последней битвы в Англии.
The Saga account gives a description of the battle in some detail. The English attacked the Vikings by a 'hot assault'. The Northmen resisted it bravely.
The Vikings kept their own battle order and the English forces could make little headway.
Suddenly the Vikings attacked by breaking out of their battle order, seeking to drive the English from the battlefield.
The English attacked the Vikings from all sides, and threw arrows and spears at the Vikings.
The Viking King, King Harald Sigurdsson, was enraged and went into the battle and ran out infront of his men 'hewing with both hands. Neither helmet or armour could withstand him, and everyone in his path gave way before him'. It looked then as if the English were on the point of being routed.
'But now King Harald Sigurdsson was struck in the throat by an arrow, and that was his death wound'.
The Vikings retreated with their battle banner.
Tostig, Harold's brother, then took up the banner.
Both armies then re-organised themselves and there was a long pause in the battle.
Harold Godwinsson offered his brother Tostig and the Vikings peace, but they refused and said they would 'rather fall, one across the other, than accept quarter from the Englishmen'.
The Vikings set up a war shout and the battle began again.
Reinforcements all clad in armour then arrived from the ships at Riccall, led by Eystein Orri.
Eystein then took charge of the banner, Land-Ravager.
The battle was again fierce, and was known as Orri's storm.
The men were so exhausted by their journey from their ships, that many fell from weariness. The English forces easily defeated them.
Хочу обратить внимание на порядок, в котором были отражены первые английские атаки и причлина пораение - НАРУШЕНИЕ БОЕВОГО СТРОЯ.
Обращает на себя внимание атака резерва викингов, повторное восстановление боевого строя после неудачной атаки и битвы в окружении, отступление со знаменем даже после смерти предводителя викингов и отказ от перемирия. Как-то непохоже на наевшихся галлюциногенов бандитов.
300 судов, наполненных пожирателями мухоморов... Пожиратели мухоморов, установившие при Кнуте первом фактическое господство в Англии... Не многовато ли?
С уважением,