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Дата12.01.2005 14:59:52Найти в дереве
РубрикиСовременность; Локальные конфликты; Евреи и Израиль;Версия для печати

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Краткое содержание - пересказ запощенной ув.Саидом статьи в "Коммерсанте" плюс заявление непоименованного израильского офиц.лица, что Израиль весьма обеспокоен и привлечет к делу США.

JERUSALEM (AP)--Israel is trying to halt an arms deal in which Russia would
supply advanced missiles to Syria, Israeli officials said Wednesday.

The officials spoke after a Russian newspaper reported the deal.

The deputy Russian foreign minister is in the region to discuss the matter,
the Israeli officials. The U.S. is aware of the growing crisis between
Russia and Israel, they said.

The Russian daily Kommersant Wednesday reported Israel recalled its
ambassador over the deal. Israeli officials said the ambassador was in
Israel on vacation, and denied he had been recalled.

The newspaper said Moscow planned to sell Iskander-E missile complexes to
Syria. The missiles can destroy targets up to 280 kilometers away and would
put all of Israel's territory, including the Dimona nuclear center in the
Negev desert, in jeopardy, Kommersant said.

It said that Syria had turned to Moscow two years ago with a request to
purchase 18 Iskander-E complexes, but that the equipment hadn't even been
tested yet so Damascus settled for Kornet-E and Metis-M missile systems.

The press service of Russia 's main arms export company, Rosoboronexport,
said it had no information that Russia was planning such a sale. No one was
immediately available for comment at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Israeli military officials have expressed concern that the missiles would
get into the hands of Hezbollah and disrupt the military balance in the
Middle East.

Syrian President Bashar Assad is due to visit Russia Jan. 24-28.