Отобъект 925
ККонстантин Федченко
Дата20.06.2006 19:30:45

Мамой клянусь, да(с) :)) Про РРС ничего нет. (-)

объект 925 (20.06.2006 19:30:45)
ОтКонстантин Федченко
Дата20.06.2006 20:05:04

ну а про РРУ нашли? про РРС здесь:

конечно, данные противоречивые, но...
The Model PPC, manufactured from 1940 onward, worked with two type UB-240 tubes, both common for transmit and receive. It was normally carried in a case, slung over the operators shoulder and powered by dry batteries mounted in the bottom of the case. The frequency range covered 32.4 to 36.8 Mc/s in a single band, the dial being calibrated in 33 'channels' ( 66-98 ). The antenna was approximately 1.6 meters tall and was equipped with a capacitive top. This type of antenna was in common use and could be found used with other (higher powered) man-pack sets. The range of the PPC was approximately 500meters. A complete set weighed 3.5 Kg and measured only 170 x 250 x 60 mm.

RRS was claimed for a range of 1,5 km and weight of 4 Kg. Some sources say 8 Kg.
RRS means Radiostancija Rotnoj Seti or Company Net Radio.

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