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Дата24.11.2004 15:36:19Найти в дереве
РубрикиWWII; Танки; Армия; Артиллерия;Версия для печати

Советские рoсписания в иностранных книгах.

Уважаемые знатоки!
В "Нафцигер коллекшн" присутствует следующая работа:

By Charles C. Sharp
Size: 9" x 11"
Illustrations: no illustrations
soft cover
An extensive study addressing the organization of every division and brigade in the Soviet army. Details on internal organization includes not only the larger units assigned to each division, etc., but to the numbers and types of weapons and vehicles as signed. Details on tactics, weapons, and military philosophy are also provided. Each volume averages slightly over 100 pages in length.
Vol 1 - "The Deadly Beginning", Soviet Tank, Mechanized, Motorized Divisions of 1940-1942
Vol 2 - "School of Battle" Soviet Tank Corps and Tank Brigades, January 1942-1945
Vol 3 - "Red Storm", Soviet Mechanized Corps and Brigades and Guards Armored Units, 1942-1945
Vol 4 - "Red Guards", Soviet Guards Rifle and Parachute Infantry Units, 1941-45
Vol 5 - "Red Sabers", Soviet Cavalry Corps, Divisions and Independent Brigades, 1941-45
Vol 6 - "Red Thunder", Soviet Artillery Corps, Divisions, and Brigades Including Rocket, Anti-tank, and Mortar Units, 1941-45
Vol 7 - "Red Death", Soviet Mountain, Naval, NKVD, and Allied Divisions and Brigades, 1941-45
Vol 8 - "Red Legions", Soviet Rifle Divisions formed up to 22 June 1941
Vol 9 - "Red Tide", Soviet Rifle Divisions formed June - December 1941
Vol 10- "Red Swarm", Soviet Rifle Divisions formed 1942 to 1945
Vol 11- "Red Volunteers", Soviet Rifle and Ski Brigades and Militia Units, 1941-45
Vol 12- "Red Hammers", Soviet Soviet Self-Propelled Artillery & Lend Lease Armor.

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