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Дата30.11.2004 13:45:56Найти в дереве
РубрикиПрочее; Современность;Версия для печати

Украина - новый этап выборов?

Ну и фига ли бы было позориться с поздравлениями?


Putin to Respect New Ukraine Election
BERLIN (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed in a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder to respect the results of any new election in Ukraine, the German government said on Tuesday in a statement.
"The Chancellor and the Russian President were in agreement that the results of a new election, based on Ukraine law and the will of the Ukraine people, would be strictly respected," the German government said in a statement.

Outgoing Ukraine President Leonid Kuchma signaled a shift in position on Monday, backing the idea of a new poll to defuse a standoff threatening to tear Ukraine apart. The opposition has demanded assurances that any new vote be held quickly.

То есть проведение новых выборов как минимум одобрено Путиным и Шредером. У меня два вопроса:
1. Каков прогноз на новые выборы?
2. Будет ли участвовать Тигипко? Если да, то самостоятельно или на стороне Ющенко?