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Дата26.01.2007 20:11:17Найти в дереве
РубрикиПамять;Версия для печати

Re: Идем дальше.

>Рамзей Макдональд. Известно ли Вам какой пост в лейбористской партии он занимал в 1914 и какова была его позиция по поводу войны?

Ну вот что говорит Британника:

In 1900 he became the first secretary of the Labour Representation Committee (LRC), the true predecessor of the Labour Party. In 1906 he was one of 29 LRC members to win election to the Commons; the LRC thereupon transformed itself into the Labour Party. Five years later he succeeded Keir Hardie as parliamentary leader of the party. He was forced to resign in favour of Arthur Henderson in 1914 after stating that Great Britain was morally wrong in declaring war on Germany. Although he nonetheless insisted that the nation should make every effort to win the war, he lost much of his popularity and was defeated for reelection in 1918.

Именно его антивоенная позиция привела к его отставке со своего поста и впоследствии к потере депутатского мандата. Что дальше?

"Бій відлунав. Жовто-сині знамена затріпотіли на станції знов"