ОтIgor01Ответить на сообщение
КbedalОтветить по почте
Дата26.09.2008 19:57:26Найти в дереве
РубрикиСовременность; Политек;Версия для печати

На militaryphotos.net бельгиец подвтердил что все так...

Они еще и про грузинские военные преступления на прессконференции говорили: http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?t=142821

In their press conference here they even mentionned that Georgia committed "war crimes".
I hope for them that they have some proof.

Both spend 5days in Georgia.

Josy Dubie is from "ecolo" (green party), he has a degree as a merchant navy captain and worked a few years as an officer on a merchant ship. He then passed university for a master in journalism and ethnology, and a baccelor in law and phylosophie.
So he does not sound as a complete fool to me.

Christine Defraigne of MR (liberals) is a lawyer.