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Кyak v
Дата26.09.2008 15:49:37Найти в дереве
РубрикиСовременность; Армия;Версия для печати

Еще дополнение - индейцев (богачей ?) в ВС более втрое больше чем ..

больше чем в населении

соотношение в три раза больше доли населения

Видать полно богачей среди индейцев :)

American Indian and Alaskan natives are largely overrepresented in the military compared to their representation in the overall popula­tion. In 2006, the IPUMS reported that less than 1 percent of males ages 18 to 24 characterized them­selves as American Indian or Alas­kan. Yet this group accounted for 2.16 percent of new enlisted recruits in 2006 and 1.96 percent in 2007. This group is the most overrepre­sented among new recruits, with troop-to-population ratios of 2.96 in 2006 and 2.68 in 2007.