ОтАлександр АнтоновОтветить на сообщение
Дата03.08.2009 12:36:00Найти в дереве
РубрикиЛокальные конфликты;Версия для печати

Это останки пилота F/A-18 сбитого иракским МиГ-25 в первую ночь войны?



"...Speicher was flying an F/A-18 Hornet fighter when he was shot down 100 miles west of Baghdad, on the night of January 16, 1991, the first night of Operation Desert Storm. His plane crashed in a remote, uninhabited wasteland known as Wadi Thumayal. He was the first combat casualty for American forces in the war.

The U.S. Navy maintained in a 1997 document that Speicher was downed by a surface-to-air missile. However, an unclassified summary of a 2001 CIA report states that Speicher's aircraft was shot down by a missile fired from an Iraqi aircraft, most likely a MiG-25; flown by Lt. Zuhair Dawood, 84th squadron of the IrAF. A pilot on the same mission stated: "I'm telling you right now, don't believe what you're being told. It was that MiG that shot Spike down..."

С уважением, Александр