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Дата21.11.2000 11:36:56Найти в дереве
РубрикиWWII; Танки;Версия для печати

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>"To counter the possibility of breakthrough by the new Russian T-34 tanks - against which the Totenkopf antitank guns were ineffective - Eike created special "tak annihilation squads". These units were consisted of two SS officers and ten men armed with bags of satchel charges, mines, grenades and gasoline bmbs. They were ordered to attack on foot individual Russian tanks that peetrated throught he defensive line, and to destroy or disable the machines as quckly as possible... At Lushno on September 26, one such squad, led by SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Max Seela, a company commander in the engineer battalion of the Totenkopfdivision destroyed seven Russian T-34 tanks in this fashion. To set an example for his men and demonstrate the proper finesse in hand-to-muzzle combat with armor, Seela destroyed the first Russian tank, which has halted momentarily by crawling right up to it, placing a double-satchel charge against the turret and detonating the explosives with a grenade. He then personally led his men as they tackled the remaining six tanks in the same manner."

>Bundesarchiv-Militararchiv, freiburg im Breisgau, III SS, 41/7, vol. 5, p. 183-69

1. "В те времена далекие...". Но не будем зубоскалить. Интересно было бы сверить с нашими данными.

2. А почему текст на англицкой мове ? Наверное, это перевод с немецкого в западную книжку ?

Всего хорошего, Андрей.