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Дата25.01.2001 19:56:38Найти в дереве
РубрикиСовременность; Армия; Байки;Версия для печати


"The Atomic Cannon, at 280 mm, was the largest nuclear capable mobile artillery
piece manufactured by the United States. On May 25, 1953, a 280 mm cannon fired
an atomic projectile a distance of 7 miles at the Nevada Test Site. Twenty 280 mm
cannons were manufactured. None were used in battle. "

"The Atomic Cannon, an M65-280mm, is 42 feet long and weighs 42,500 lbs. It can throw a shell 20 miles, which would place ground zero southwest and just shy of Abilene (home of the Eisenhower Museum and the Hall of Generals)"