| От | Поручик Баранов | |
К | All | |
Дата | 14.02.2001 17:54:56 | |
Рубрики | WWI; WWII; ВВС; | |
Кто чего знает по теме. помогите человеку...
Добрый день!
Dear friends,
it would be nice to write this letter "na ruskom", but 1) I didnґt use my
Russian for several years and 2) software doesnґt allowed me to type "bukvy"
anyway. Iґm looking for Italian aeroplanes Ansaldo S.V.A. serving at several
Air Forces after WWI (Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia). As I found, almost
100 planes, incl. single-seaters S.V.A.-5 and double-seaters S.V.A.-9 and
S.V.A.-10 has been flown to your country immediatly after the Great war
(1918/1919). Could you help me to find more informations about these
aircrafts (best of all, double-seaters)? Ten years ago, there was a Czech
Smer kit 1/50 scale of S.V.A.-5 produced with Soviet marking, but without
mentioning source of it. Just now there is excellent line of Polish Chorozsy
Modelbud resin kits available, covering versions S.V.A.-5 scout, S.V.A.9
(with bath-tube shaped cockpit) and S.V.A.-10 trainer. Iґll be greatfull for
any information, where to narrow my search or where to look for information.
Thanks in advance!
Miroslav pokorny
Prague, Czech republic
contact address:
[email protected]
С уважением, Поручик