ОтKoljaОтветить на сообщение
КСергей С
Дата19.02.2001 09:01:24Найти в дереве
РубрикиСовременность; Локальные конфликты;Версия для печати

Re: по-моему вас...

>Обсуждать и осуждать у нас здорово получается - "...заклеймим позором поджигателей войны бла-бла-бла..."
>Реальных шагов по давлению на США не видно...8( Обидно...
>Вот лет двадцать-то назад американцам в голову бы не пришло Ирак или, скажем, Югославию отбомбить. ИМХО, дело-то не в Штатах, они за 20 последних лет мало изменились, а у нас из аргументов в политике только обсуждения и осуждения остались.

Вот вам и ответ простого амера..
To: madrussian
The Topol missile tested is capable of carrying a nuclear war head Russian successfully test-fired an array of land, sea and air-based ballistic missiles in a series of military exercises on Friday

We learned in Kosovo that the Russians are all talk and no action.

We could take half of Moscow and all they would sream is take one more step and we will hurt you. The Russians proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are nothing to fear. If a handfull of Arabs can keep their military tied up for years, then we have nothing to fear from them.

Saddam is a far bigger threat than the Russians. The only thing certain about Russians is the more Vodka they drink the louder they get.

It will take Russia at least 25 or 30 years to become a player again. Only the left uses them to try to control policy by scaring the world with the Russian Bear. When you take a close look all you see is the Russian Bare. ... and it is Russian Barely surviving.

Three angry Arabs with a used slingshot culd fight the Russian Military to a stand off. Come to think of it they did.

3 Posted on 02/18/2001 11:08:53 PST by Common Tator
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