| От | Robert |  |
К | Robert | |
Дата | 20.02.2004 12:35:36 |  |
Рубрики | Артиллерия; 1917-1939; |  |
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British 18/13-pr carried on modified motor truck.
Not to be outdone, the Royal Artillery at first put their 18-pr Mk 1 (3.3-in) field gun on high-angle mounting on a truck chassis. However, its performance left much to be desired so they relined the gun down to 13-pr (3-in) but retained the 18-pr cartridge. This combination proved much more efficient. It was superseded in 1914 by the QF 3-in 20-cwt gun which survived until 1946. Not another makeshift, the 3-in was a piece especially designed for the AA role, but like its predecessors it first made use of an ordinary truck body as a platform.
Although early designers of AA equipments found readily available truck bodies convenient for their guns, they proved too difficult to stabilise, so were soon replaced by towed platforms.