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Дата05.03.2001 23:52:11Найти в дереве
РубрикиСовременность; ВВС;Версия для печати

Re: Полный текст...

>"Now their only large clients are traditional clients like China and India, that do not have much [political leeway] to buy Western aircraft.
Тут можно сказать и наоборот - по политическим причинам Вост.Европа отказалась от модернизации МиГ-29.

>The influence of the traditional Soviet-style power ministries also appears to be growing under the Putin Administration. "We continually get reports of the Federal
>Security Service (FSB), the domestic arm of the old KGB, tightening the screws," several of the sources agreed.

>"I've detected an increase in the influences of the security services and a general regression to Soviet ways. Their reflexes are still Soviet," said another source.
Как Вы думаете, какой источник будет так говорить?

>Kornukov earlier this year said that 2000 "was a year of stabilization" and he claimed that training levels were up as the number of exercises rose to 400 in 2000
>from about 300 in 1999 (AW&ST Feb. 5, p. 52).

>But he also said that, overall, Russian air force pilots accumulated, on average, just 25-30 flight hours for the entire year, slightly higher than in 1999. Transport pilots
>averaged only 50 hr. per year, while strike and bomber pilots were getting a mere 25-35 hr. per year, slightly higher than previously. But fighter pilots continue to
>receive a paltry 10 hr. annually.

>Kornukov said that 2.5 million metric tons of aviation fuel are required to maintain proper training levels, but last year only half a million metric tons were made

>Although the flight-time averages indicate much of the force is barely getting minimal hours for fair-weather flying in the landing pattern, "there are whole air force
>regiments that have not been flying at all for two years," sources said.

>MiG-31 and Su-27 crews are doing next-to-no flying while Su-24 and Su-25 pilots in Chechnya have been logging more hours than the force average.

>"The Russian system is to give a limited number of first-class pilots the larger amount of hours while the rest are just flying simulators."

>Russian simulators are of poor quality, according to sources who have flown several of them. They are comparable to U.S. and European simulator technology of
>the mid-1960s, and are not capable of keeping pilots in flight-ready condition.

>This means that in a few years, they will face an even bigger problem as first-class pilots age. When even senior-level fighter pilots get as few as 10 flight hours a
>year, it's nowhere near enough to maintain safe flight on high-speed aircraft.

>"If these guys had to go to war, it would take them a long time to work up their people--and then a lot of them would fly into the ground," according to a source.

>If the service were to get a large infusion of money it would take 5-10 years to produce several regiments capable of modern flight operations. And the conditions
>are so bad now it would take two years to work up even 2-3 effective squadrons, he elaborated.
Частично списано с доклада об итогах боевой подготовки ВС за 2000 г. на "Гранях.ру"

>"Their manner of conducting air warfare has not changed significantly--there have been some minor tweaks--but it has not changed in a major way," a source said.
>"To the extent that they have precision weapons, they do not seem to be using them in the same way we did in Desert Storm or Kosovo. We would come in from
>specific directions so if we missed, there would be less collateral damage. They still go in with everything until they have killed it, 'and to hell with the broader
По-моему, я знаю как зовут этого источника.

А вообще все конечно очень плохо, с какого берега не смотри. Тут спорить бессмысленно. А никаких путей выхода пока никто так и не указал, правда, вроде бы, что-то обещают скоро.
Кстати, завтра показ боевой техники, закупаемой ВВС РФ. Если наш корр туда пойдет, расскажу про его впечатления.
С уважением, А.Никольский