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Дата16.03.2001 11:12:17Найти в дереве
РубрикиСовременность;Версия для печати

Индийские Т-90

Господа и товарищи, www.stratfor.com утверждает, что Т-90 проданные индусам будут сняты с вооружения Российской армии. а не изготовлены. Надеюсь, врут?

Ссылка (платная):

Russia's deal with India to sell New Delhi 310 of its T-90 tanks Feb. 14 is a reflection on how India has had to rethink its national security strategy in the aftermath of its last conflict with Pakistan-back militants in 1999. In that conflict, India had problems removing Islamic fighters from Kargil, a region in Kashmir that India controls.

The tanks will be the first real deterrent India has put in place to defend against such attacks from Pakistani elements. The agreement includes delivery of 124 T-90s now in Russia's arsenal, with another 186 to be produced under Russian license in a plant in the southern India state of Tamil Nadu. The value of the agreement has been estimated at $682 million.