ОтВасилий Фофанов
Дата28.06.2000 21:30:52
РубрикиСовременность; Танки; Армия;

А вот что говорят в Малайзии о СУО Т-90 (и Т-84)...

The T-90 FCS which I looked at in DSA 2000 is off one of the Indian trials vehicles (with air conditioning added). It features a new Byelorussian sourced 2nd Gen TI which is on par with anything I've seen (OK, only French). It beats the MIRA etc. to death in terms of range (5+km...the tech bunny says it will do 9+ but the gold course was only about 4. Recognition at 4 is excellent. With enough mag I could probably work out what clubs the golfers were using. Even low signature stuff like golf carts showed up well. In comparison the T-84 sports nothing hotter than a 1st Gen. and that's optional. Standard is the Buran image intensifier.

Примечание: чукча знает, о каком тепловизоре идет речь. Если все будет нормально, УОМЗ в 2001 наладит на его базе производство тепловизоров для всех родов войск :)