От | doctor64 |
К | Дмитрий Лабадитий |
Дата | 21.10.2007 14:54:08 |
Рубрики | Прочее; Матчасть; |
Re: Это однозначно
>By the way, how can I attach a photo to a posting? Can anyone explane in english?
Actually, just put URL of picture in message, as you did.
You can also upload your file to forum file storage for faster and simplify access. To do this you must use 4th icon on top toolbar (gray paper list with yellow plus sign). In first field you can enter file description (optional), in second enter file name or use "Browse" button. After file selected, press "Послать" (Send) button - you file downloaded to forum storage and you can see file in list below. Now copy location of file and put URL into your message. Don't use forum storage for large files!
But, how you message is shown depends of user settings - last two field in "Settings" (icon with hammer and screwdriver) - "Окно сообшения/Message window" (third link from top). "Показывать графику из копилки" control how pictures from forum file storage engine will be shown. first field control file size, second - how files with size below margin will be shown, third - how files with large size shown. Last field control how files from diffrent servers will be shown. Variants of settings: "линком" - just show text link to file, "как превью" - show reduced preview image, "полностью" - show full size image.
Fell free to contact me if you need additional help