| От | Potato |  |
К | IGA | |
Дата | 22.10.2007 15:12:21 |  |
Рубрики | В стране и мире; |  |
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Мало вероятно, что Бжезинский сказал именно ту фразу, которую ему приписывают.
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Тут вот
вроде бы ссылка на ссылку и разъясненине.
"In The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski, after Spengler, impregnated the two of the German-Anglo-Saxon vision of the western civilization, explains that the Orthodoxy is different civilization, even antagonist to the "West". For him, as for Samuel Huntington, however, the events suddenly occurred in Bosnia and in the ex-Yugoslavia are perfectly explained after the paradigm of the civilization shock: the Moslems against the Christians, the Catholic against the Orthodox, the Bosnian Moslems or the Turks being for him more close, from the civilization point of view, to the Croat, the Hungarians or the German Catholic that these last to their orthodox brothers. To supply this thesis, Samuel Huntington explains "front line civilizations" separating the two Europe, the Catholic- Protestant from the Orthodox explains, passes, since the Grand Schism, through the Ukraine (divided between the Catholic separatists and the pro- Russian Orthodox) and the ex-Yugoslavia (Bosnia), where the Catholic and the Orthodox are identified to the Roman-German West and in the Slav- orthodox post- Byzantine area. From two parts of this boundary, two different alphabets, two different concepts of Christianity, two representations of himself and of the world, despite the membership to the same ethnic - linguistic Slav ensemble."
Хоть не "enemy", но "antagonist".
Кстати, тов. Кудинов, наверное, прав в своей оценке left.ru. Смотрим в статью, приведенную Вами: "популярно православие в Японии". Следуем по линку: ""Вообще же крещеных православных больше. Как и в России, в Японии есть люди, которые посещают храм только на Пасху и Рождество. Таким образом, общая численность японцев, отождествляющих себя с православием, достигает примерно тридцати тысяч", - сообщил отец Герасим. "