ОтА.Н.ПлатоновОтветить на сообщение
КF101Ответить по почте
Дата03.01.2005 19:20:53Найти в дереве
РубрикиПрочее; Люди и авиация; Авиатехника; 1936-1945 гг.;Версия для печати

Re: Воздушный бой...


Вот пока что мне удалось распознать из того что касается воздушного боя:

ANHIAL ACTIVITY: As P-38’s were pooling up from the desk, the top saver reported that ?/? A/C were taking off from a field immediately in front of them. As the leading P-38 pooled up and away, Yak pooled his nose up immediately after takeoff and shoot 1 P-38 down. It is thought that this was Lt. Brewer. 1 Yak crossed bellow Lt. Urten and brake into him and a general dogfight started in which 4 P-38’s and six Yaks where engaged. Lt. Urten recognized 1 of the planes he was shooting at as a Yak and called to his flight that they where friendly. Just then someone called to Lt. Urten to brake and he looked back to see a Yak on his tail, shooting at him at close range. Lt. Blumer shot this Yak down in flames. The other Yaks continued to press the attack and a second one was hit and went down ??king. A third was hit while on a P-38’s tail and left the fight. Lt. Gewleen was last seen in this fight and was probably one of the P-38’s seen to crash and burn by each pilot in the fight. This dogfight finally separated and when Lt. Urten unggled his wings the Yak did the ??? and allowed the P-38’s to withdraw.
Col. Badneen’s flight pulled up ??? the A/D and saw 3 B/D fighters taking off. At the same time on at about 2000 ft made a heading pass at then firing. The P-38’s broke into him and after 2 or 3 passes Lt. Blwrock got on his tail and saw hits. This plane’s wheels dropped ????????? started pouring smoke.

After this fight was over a S/E that appeared to be a Spit 9 gave the wings signals from a distance and was answered by Col. Robinson. Lt. Katshoke was flying at 7000 feet as part of top cover when he saw a S/B A/C take off from the L/O and then pull up and shoot a P-38 down in flames as the P-38 was pooling up. Lt. Katshoke was unable to identify the plane but supposed it was an enemy and dived on it and shot it down at from 3000 to 4000 feet. He saw the red star on the A/C as it spun in and crashed.

SUMMARY: 3 P-38’s lost; 1 by flak and two in the dogfight.
2 Yaks were destroyed, 2 probably destroyed and 1 damaged.

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