ОтbadgerОтветить на сообщение
КА.Н.ПлатоновОтветить по почте
Дата04.01.2005 08:30:45Найти в дереве
РубрикиПрочее; Люди и авиация; Авиатехника; 1936-1945 гг.;Версия для печати

Re: Воздушный бой...



> As P-38’s were pooling up

pulling up

>the top saver

top cover

>they where friendly.

they were friendly

>and went down ??king.

and went down smoking.

> Col. Badneen’s flight pulled up ??? the A/D

pulled up near the A/D (air defence?)

>and saw 3 B/D fighters taking off.

Скорее G/D

> heading pass

headon pass

>as the P-38 was pooling up.

В тексте действительно похоже pooling up, но видимо опечатка.