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РубрикиСовременность; Танки;Версия для печати

Исходный текст статьи за 26 марта (англ)

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Date Posted: March 26, 2003



Russia upgrades BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle
Abu Dhabi

The Russian KBP Instrument Design Bureau has revealed that it has developed and tested an upgraded turret weapon system for the widely deployed Russian BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV).

BMP-2, which entered service with the Russian Army in the late 1970s, is armed with a 30mm 2A42 cannon, 7.62mm PKT coaxial machine gun and a roof-mounted launcher for the 9M113 Konkurs (AT-5) anti-tank guided weapon (ATGW); another three missiles are carried inside the turret for manual loading. The missile has a maximum range of 4,000m.

The 9M113 Konkurs has a semi- automatic command-to-line-of-sight guidance system (SACLOS) and the gunner has only to keep his sight on the target until the missile impacts.

The main disadvantage of the system is that the gunner is exposed to small-arms fire while using the roof-mounted launcher and the SACLOS guidance system can be jammed. First-generation 9M113 Konkurs missiles had only one warhead that could not have penetrated the latest armour systems.

The upgraded BMP-2 IFV retains the 30mm 2A42 cannon but mounted on either side of the hull are two launchers for the 9M113 Kornet-E ATGW, with another three missiles being carried inside for manual loading.

The more recent 9M113 Kornet missile has a SACLOS laser beam guidance system, which is more difficult to jam.

The missile, with a maximum range of 5,500m, can be supplied with a tandem high-explosive anti-tank warhead (9M133-1) to defeat targets fitted with explosive reactive armour (ERA). The second missile (9M133F-1) has a thermobaric warhead (or fuel-air explosive type) that is effective against field fortifications.

The tandem HEAT missile will penetrate 1,000-1,200mm of steel armour protected by ERA, according to the manufacturer.

Mounted on the turret rear is a 30mm AG-30 automatic grenade launcher aimed and laid from within the turret. This is provided with a total of 300 rounds of ready-use ammunition and is claimed to have a maximum effective range of 1,700m.

The 30mm AG-30, typically used to rapidly suppress fire against troops and light vehicles, has a cyclic rate of fire of up to 400rds/min.

When originally introduced, the 30mm 2A42 fired armour- piercing - tracer and high-explosive fragmentation (HEF) ammunition, carrying a total of 500 rounds. New 30mm ammunition has recently been developed, including armour-piercing discarding sabot and a new HEF. These have improved performance characteristics.

The gunner, who sits on the left side of the turret, has a new stabilised roof-mounted sight coupled to a computerised fire-control system to lay all of the weapons on to the target.

The gunner's day sight has magnifications of x12 and x2.5 with the night channel of the second-generation image-intensification type. A laser rangefinder is integrated into the sight with a ranging capacity of 200-10,000m.

Many of the subsystems of the new BMP-2 IFV upgrade are already used in other applications and are well proven. The system also features automatic target tracking; the commander, seated on the left side of the turret, has back-up controls. Cant and atmospheric information is fed into the computer automatically.

The upgraded BMP-2 IFV can engage stationary and moving targets while the platform is on land or afloat to a maximum range of 5,500m under day and night conditions, according to the KBP Instrument Design Bureau. Development of the BMP-2's upgraded weapon system is complete and production can commence as soon as orders are placed. The company would typically provide kits to enable each user to upgrade the BMP-2 in its own facilities.

The vehicle has been built in large numbers for home and export markets and has also been manufactured under licence in a number of countries.

Since some 20 countries use the BMP-2, the KBP Instrument Design Bureau believes that there is a significant market for this upgrade package, which enhances the combat effectiveness of the vehicle considerably.

This is the latest in a line of turret upgrades being marketed by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau. Earlier modifications include turret/fire-control ones for T-54/ T-55/T-62/T-72 main battle tanks.

It has also developed upgraded turrets for the heavier BMP-3 and a new turret armed with a 100mm gun, 30mm cannon and 7.62mm machine gun that can be installed on a wide range of chassis, tracked and wheeled. This has already been fitted for trials on the BMP-3 IFV and the BTR-90 8 x 8 armoured personnel carrier.

The company has also developed and successfully tested the Kluiver one-person turret, which is armed with a 30mm cannon, 7.62mm PKT machine gun and four Kornet-E missiles in the ready-to-launch position.

This has been installed on a number of tracked and wheeled chassis for trials purposes and is also ready for production when orders are placed.

BMP-2 IFV fitted with upgraded turret armed with 30mm cannon, 7.62mm machine gun, 30mm automatic grenade launcher and four Kornet-E 5,500m-range missiles
(Source: KBP Instrument Design Bureau)

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