Кстати, перевод "Огонька" насколько я понимаю адекватный. Т.о. ответ на первый вопрос положительный.
10. We attempted to investigate reports that there has already been considerable loss of life among NATO forces, and we feel that we received some confirmation that this has been the case. Clearly, the cost to NATO in human and equipment terms has already been far greater than anything which has been announced. Just how extensive the NATO aircraft and personnel losses have been remains to be confirmed. What is clear is that already there has been a cost to us, apart from the mere monetary cost of equipment and consumables. This cost can only rise significantly as the conflict proceeds.
Осталось выяснить почему этим обвинениям не дали ход (или не обвинили комиссию в клевете) и насколько это сообщение соответствует действительности.