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nbsp;ОтВасилий Фофанов
Дата15.09.2000 19:51:17
РубрикиСовременность; Танки; Армия;

Сухой остаток дискуссии - похоже за нас уже все решили :(((

Conflicting assessments of the current situation in Russia...from Defense News: with an all-out war against NATO members or any other leading industrialized nation unlikely in the near future, a GABTU (the Main Armor and Automobile Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry) official said on 9/1/00 that he sees "no major need" in the short-term development and procurement of tanks and other armored vehicles. Also quoting Konstantin Makienko (deputy head of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies), "the quality and quantity of our armored vehicles is
adequate...I don't forsee any need for procurement of new tanks in the next two decades." According to Col. General Anatoly Sitnov (the recently fired former Russian armed forces Armaments Chief), both of these statements are untrue. He said the Russian military needs to
commission at least 350 new tanks and 400 new APCs.

Ну что, п№здец похоже нашим бронетанковым частям пришел. В смысле он давно пришел, но теперь это официально подтвердили. Пожалуй займусь размещением на своем сайте порнухи...

С уважением, Василий Фофанов,