Me262,FW-190 и другие - и мост:)
"German fighters attacked the bridge almost every day and night between 25 and 30 September. The night bombings involved Ju-87 Stuka's, FW-190's, Junkers 88, Heinkels and Mistel combinations; fighters were placed on the back of unmanned Junkers 88 bombers full of explosives. During the day jet aircraft, the Me 262 and the Arado, shelled the bridges. The bridges, and especially the ramps, were hit several times.
The Germans did not attack the bridge solely from the air; the bridges were also threatened from the water. Floating mines, torpedo-boats, frogmen and Biber one-man submarines were used in order to damage or destroy one of the bridges. On September 28th German frogmen swam several kilometers to reach Nijmegen. They succeeded in placing explosives on the piers of both the railway and traffic bridge. Early in the morning these charges exploded, causing the middle arch of the railway bridge to fall into the river."
- Мораль:) - KGI 28.02.2001 19:40:34 (236 b)
- Re: Мораль:) - Максим Гераськин 01.03.2001 09:53:36 (1262 b)