"Results: The best exposure of the highland crust was on the Apennine Front at the Apollo 15 site. Al- though some “layers” proved to be lighting artifacts, most others are clearly genuine structures. Photo- geologic sketches of the layers on Silver Spur and ad- jacent areas have been prepared by Tiffany Yang. Over 90 layers were distinguished, averaging 16 me- ters thickness. Their number and thickness are not explainable as overlapping layers of ejecta from cra- ters or mare basins. They are structurally similar to basalt flows of the Columbia Plateau. Similar layers were found on Stone Mountain, south of the Apollo 16 Descartes site, although not as well expressed. Apollo 17 EVA photographs of the Sculptured Hills, north of the Taurus Littrow Valley, show distinct layers dipping away from the Serenitatis Basin, similar in thickness and structure to those at Silver Spur. It is concluded that this pervasive layer- ing is the expression of lava flows. The lunar mega- regolith studied by various authors, estimated to be 2- 3 km thick, is much younger than the layered rock studied here, and there is no contradiction between it and the volcanic origin proposed".
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